
Find out more information about mass incarceration, prison arts programs, criminal justice, and other issues that affect our work.

Did you Know?

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Women are the fastest growing population in prison with an increase of 646% between 1980 and 2010.

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The number of women in prison increased at nearly 1.5 times the rate of men.

Incarcerated Icon

More than 205,000 women are now incarcerated (Including women in local jails).

State of Georgia Icon

Over 56,000 people are incarcerated in Georgia.

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Women represent 9% of the overall prison population in Georgia.

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Pathways to crime for female offenders include a long history of sexual and/or physical abuse, unhealthy relationships, and substance abuse.

Fact Book

Download our fact book to learn more about the history of higher education and its impact on those who are incarcerated.