Being Present

Then it was time to settle, time for a brief talk about alignment and posture. But technical perfection was not the goal of the day. Physical and sensory engagement was. So I moved and they followed and talking was kept to a minimum. It was a joy to look out on the group and see…

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Spending More on Prisons than Education

I came across an article today that list 10 states that spend more on prisons than education. Although I was not surprised that Georgia was on the list, as well as the usual suspects such as California and New York. I was surprised by a few of the states that were included, and a few…

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Being Seen

The rusty cracking sound of the gate opening to reveal the sinuous desolation of prison territory was not a new endeavor. Only a small amount of time has elapsed since I last left these women laughing and witnessing each other in the imaginal realm of the theatre. The scene is the same as before, as…

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